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Air Conditioning

Fixed air conditioners have become common in many homes in the NZ. They keep you comfortable throughout the day and can significantly aid sleeping at night through hot spells. The home air conditioning units we install are extremely energy efficient and whisper-quiet.

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Ventilation is critical to home comfort. Proper ventilation prevents air pollutants from affecting the health of you and your family. Not only that, having airflow in your home can get rid of any unwanted smells, such as from cooking or pets.

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Heat Pump Service & Installation

We offer heat pump repair, maintenance, and installation services throughout the Auckland area. If you are experiencing problems with your heat and air system, and you believe the issue may be the heat pump, call and have one of our professionals come out and diagnose your heat pump

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PAT Testing

To establish the safety and suitability of your electrical appliances, the competent person will carry out a visual inspection of the appliance, its plug and lead. For Class I equipment they will also inject test signals into the cable and appliance to ensure their integrity

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Qualified Electricians

The wiring behind your walls is a complex lifeline and one which should only ever be tackled by a registered and fully qualified electrician. The consequences of not doing so could very well mean that everything else goes up in smoke.

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Data Cabling

Portable appliance testing or PAT Testing is the process of checking electrical appliances for safety through a series of visual inspections and electronic tests.

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LED Lighting

Save 50-80% on your energy bills and reduce your carbon footprint by switching to LED Lighting, the most energy and cost-efficient lighting technology available on the market today.

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Solar Panel/Power

A solar system will generate plenty of free energy for you to use. The more solar energy you can use in the day to power your home, the less you will need to draw from the national grid.


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Service area: Auckland, Waikato, Wellington, Dunedin and the wider surrounds.